クエーカー刺繍 洋書 Quaker 割引 School Girl Samplers

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Carol Humphrey Quaker School Girl Samplers from Ackworth ハードカバー クエーカー刺繍の歴史をサンプラーの写真と共に紹介されている読み物です。 チャート本ではありませんが、Quaker刺繍を知る上でとても貴重な書です。 現在は入手困難のようです。 本当にお好きな方、お探しの方へ。 即購入OKです。(お値段は某大手通販サイトの価格を参考にさせていただきました。) 手放し難い書なので、そのままの金額でも 購入してくださる方にお譲りします。 #Quaker刺繍 #クエーカー #クロスステッチ #洋書

NEW BOOK Quaker Samplers in Cross Stitch PDF Book Uses the Beautiful  Medallion Motifs and Patterns to Create Lovely Samplers to Embroider - Etsy
NEW BOOK Quaker Samplers in Cross Stitch PDF Book Uses the Beautiful Medallion Motifs and Patterns to Create Lovely Samplers to Embroider - Etsy

N e e d l e p r i n t: SOLD Quaker School Girl Samplers From Ackworth * £35  €50 $110 Including Shipping (New Zealand and Australia $120)
N e e d l e p r i n t: SOLD Quaker School Girl Samplers From Ackworth * £35 €50 $110 Including Shipping (New Zealand and Australia $120)

Quaker Samplers: The Ultimate Collection of Traditional and Modern Designs:  Wilkins, Lesley: 9781800921801: Amazon.com: Books
Quaker Samplers: The Ultimate Collection of Traditional and Modern Designs: Wilkins, Lesley: 9781800921801: Amazon.com: Books

N e e d l e p r i n t: SOLD Quaker School Girl Samplers From Ackworth * £35  €50 $110 Including Shipping (New Zealand and Australia $120)
N e e d l e p r i n t: SOLD Quaker School Girl Samplers From Ackworth * £35 €50 $110 Including Shipping (New Zealand and Australia $120)

Quaker Samplers: The Ultimate Collection of Traditional and Modern Designs:  Wilkins, Lesley: 9781800921801: Amazon.com: Books
Quaker Samplers: The Ultimate Collection of Traditional and Modern Designs: Wilkins, Lesley: 9781800921801: Amazon.com: Books

Annatextiles: samplers
Annatextiles: samplers

Grace Quaker Sampler
Grace Quaker Sampler

Fabric for AC Bluebird Quaker Sampler - Sassafras Samplers
Fabric for AC Bluebird Quaker Sampler - Sassafras Samplers

Ann Grimshaw, Creator of Cross Stitch Sampler at Ackworth School in 1818 –  Grimshaw Origins and History
Ann Grimshaw, Creator of Cross Stitch Sampler at Ackworth School in 1818 – Grimshaw Origins and History

Quaker Samplers: The Ultimate Collection of Traditional and Modern Designs:  Wilkins, Lesley: 9781800921801: Amazon.com: Books
Quaker Samplers: The Ultimate Collection of Traditional and Modern Designs: Wilkins, Lesley: 9781800921801: Amazon.com: Books

クエーカー刺繍 洋書 Quaker School Girl Samplers 洋書
クエーカー刺繍 洋書 Quaker School Girl Samplers 洋書

Antique American Sampler Rare Important Schoolgirl Needlework New York  Female Association School 1819 Early 19th Century
Antique American Sampler Rare Important Schoolgirl Needlework New York Female Association School 1819 Early 19th Century

Quaker Samplers: The Ultimate Collection of Traditional and Modern Designs:  Wilkins, Lesley: 9781800921801: Amazon.com: Books
Quaker Samplers: The Ultimate Collection of Traditional and Modern Designs: Wilkins, Lesley: 9781800921801: Amazon.com: Books

School Girl Sampler - Etsy
School Girl Sampler - Etsy

StitchyBox Samplers – thestitchersmerchant
StitchyBox Samplers – thestitchersmerchant

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